
A Ring For Every Finger

As per usual I am awake and the first thing I do is check instagram. I browse through my feed first, liking everything from scenery to layouts to food; secondly I check my likes and any comments, and today there was nothing so I quickly turn to exploring vsco tags. Through my continuous browsing this morning and previous browsing I’ve found numerous stores and I’m in complete love. 

Love? Yes, love. I have been in love with rings for quite some time and since the midi rings came into the fashion world, I cannot stop – losing some along the way of course. I remember buying my first ring stack from Lovisa and picking only the tiniest in size to put on my fingers. I loved the trend from the get go. I had rings on nearly every finger with some having two – as you do with a compulsion with rings and as I said, I couldn’t stop, so the more I bought, the more I lost. 

Obviously the price ranges vary and this is where it gets me every time. Don’t get me wrong, I would happily buy jewellery from Lovisa but I am compelled to buy rings from Baby Anything and Chainless Brain because they are just TOO adorable! 

Again, my love hate relationship with fashion is so obvious because the rings made out of gold and rose gold 18ct will of course be expensive, particularly being hand-made and I love that about these two stores. I know the hard work that goes into making them. My love is definitely being sent to you for making such amazing creations. 

Above are my favourites and yes, I do occasionally stroke the computer screen wishing they were mine hehe. It makes me wonder if I would ever lose them because rings love to slip off my fingers. I think I’d stick them onto my fingers so I’d never those them!

Mon x


  1. These rings are gorgeous! I picked up a few handmade ones in Brooklyn last month but definitely on the hunt for more to add to the collection- can't go wrong with a delicate ring!

    xx Alisha

  2. Great finds so so adorable

