
A White Winter

It is officially winter (totally late Mon) and it’s a season I love! As I wrap around in bed with blankets and drink gallons of hot chocolate and tea, there is one thing I love about winter and that is that you can layer and layer on clothes, and create an amazing look with different textures. Layering isn’t an easy task and it’s an art form in itself. I wish I was a master and I applaud people who are. I greatly envy you! Please teach me your ways.

Now, something that is massive right now are pastels. I can go on and on about it but all I’m going to say is, I love it especially in hairstyles, coats and sweaters - having one piece that’s pastel out of an outfit entirely of black. It creates a statement and also brightens up the day and your outfit.

Below are some winter inspirations, which I love, and its something that I will probably not be able to achieve until coming years but I hope that you can try and mix and match with items that you may already have in your wardrobe!

For me I can’t really define my style because I’m all over the place but what’s above is exactly what I love wearing, I love wearing whites, crèmes and nudes with some black. It’s rare to see me in full black but there have been times and those times are when I think I look smart casual for a dinner or try to impress for some reason. 

I've probably killed you all by my repetitive 'I love' but Sara Donaldson and Jules are two of a handful of people who inspire my wardrobe, style and lifestyle. They are two amazing people in my opinion and I am always glued to the screen once a new post is posted. I am that crazy kid stroking the screen (yeah, no shame!)

Since I have been gone for a while posting here and there, I promise I’ll be blogging more often and I am so close to my break after one exam. I’ll be all yours!

Mon xox

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As Sick As Can Be

As you can probably guess, I haven’t updated this blog in a while and it’s all been for a good reason, I’ve been sick. That is, I’m STILL sick. First it was an ear infection for 2-3 weeks and now it’s the flu. I cannot seem to catch a break. What makes it more fun is that starting this week, I have to crack down because it's finals and I have an exam this week and next week then I am done with uni for the year! Nothing can contain me, and my excitement. I’ll be able to focus entirely on this blog ~

Singlet & sweater by Dotti | Boots by ASOS

These photos were snapped after having lunch at a local pizza place, a place I’ve never been to but always go past and can I just say, their signature garlic pizza was amazing and I regret not getting it in a large and more of it! …and from typing that, I realise that most of my photos are taken after I eat. Priorities right there! Hehe.

For me, I can’t wait til this semester is done because it means a break! I get to relax and I will be taking a small cute holiday in July for a few days in the Blue Mountains. I hope I can get some snaps for you there and I’ll definitely write about it!

With finals coming up for myself and for everyone, I am wishing you all luck and hope you all do well!

Mon x