
Missing All The Action

Denim Shirt by Cotton On | Vintage Skirt | Shoes by Lipstick Shoes

As I catch up on my blog reading, I realise that my mind has definitely been MIA these past couple of weeks especially with the uni break and I, alike others have dreaded this coming week with pillows over my head. I feel like I was just there...

And since my mind hasn’t been in focus lately, I’ve realised that I want to do so much but have little time to do them in. Thanks to a lot of reading, researching and looking through Broadsheet I’ve written a list of things that I want to do and some of the things include: going for a bike ride, have a picnic with friends, visit a museum, go on a hike, visit an art gallery, try an organic cafe, try a cronut (I can’t believe I haven’t tried this yet!) and the list goes on. So much so that I have a separate list for my ‘cafes I NEED to visit’ with my best friend. I think it’s about 2 pages long? Hehe.

I have always been the type of person to want to experience everything and go on numerous adventures, and as clichéd as it is, my motto is enjoy the little things. Life is short - the days go by so fast and it’s always great to go on adventures, meet new people and try new things. This year is definitely about me going out of my comfort zone.

Mon x