
Valentine's Day Hair Inspiration

Valentine’s Day is coming up and honestly, I have no idea what I am doing. Do you have any plans? Can I join? Hehe. 

Even though I don’t have plans, I have an outfit ready and the only thing left is hair. I know a lot of girls will have their outfits planned for the occasion and what’s left til last and sometimes forgotten is hair! I will say I’m the boring one who either straightens their hair or curls it – rarely anything different. 

Here are some amazing hairstyles which I hope inspire you like it did to me and encouraged me to try something different. I am in love with braids and have always thought them to be romantic, especially in a crown and with the messy touch. It is always perfectly messy. And don’t forget the bow! Nothing says ‘it’s a present’ unlike a bow does, so why can’t we wrap our beautiful heads as well? 


In preparation for the day, I have constantly been practising the braid crown as I like to call it and I am so happy with what I’ve done. I hope you’re able to try these out or inspire you to try something fabulous for the day.

Although I might not be doing something amazingly romantic, I know it's best to do something that's special and something that you'll remember in years to come because being happy where you are in that present moment is always the best and in its purest form. I’m sending you my love on the day and if you aren’t spending it with a partner, spend it with those you love most - family and/ or friends because the day is about love. Also don’t forget about yourself because you are important as well! 

Mon x

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